Saturday, September 18, 2010

West Point Parade, Lunch in Mess Hall and Football Game

View of the Hudson
From the Library Terrace
Another busy day is ahead of us:  parade at 9 a.m., early lunch in the cadet mess hall, and a football game at noon.  The parade brings back such great memories.  There is nothing like a parade at West Point.  The cadets emerging from the sally ports, the traditional army music played by the band, and the cadets passing and reviewing.  Even though today's parade has been scaled down (only two regiments), it is still wonderful to view such a tradition.  Thirty-seven years ago I watched Steve every Saturday morning, before a football game, pass and review in a parade--such memories. Our only disappointment for today's parade was that “Thumper”, a traditional, West Point Cadet marching song, was not played.  Furst and Beev were at the front leading the pack of 1975 grads.  They looked good. 
After taking pictures of the guys on the steps, we walk into the mess hall.  The very familiar surroundings and that familiar smell (can't describe it) brings back a lot of memories.  I had many Sunday brunches in here when Steve was a cadet.  We would always leave with several cartons of milk (for Steve, refrigerating it on his outside window sill) and fruit for my apartment. 
Lunch in Cadet Mess Hall

Handsome Dudes from Company B-4
Today's lunch in the mess hall was yuk.  Some type of ugly sausage on sauerkraut, perogi swimming in melted butter, broccoli with melted cheese wiz and spice cake (o.k., that was good).  We had to eat something.  After all, we were going to have to climb up hundreds of steps and walk up the hill to Michie Stadium.  Furst led the way around the Lost 50’s to the stairs up to the Cadet Chapel.  From there we made our way up to the stadium. Passing through security, with wands, makes you realize, again, how our country has changed. 

Football Game Against North Texas

What a beautiful day for a game.  Even better, we beat North Texas (whoever that is), 24-0.  We actually made a few passes and they were completed.  Yes, there is hope for Army.  They’re having a good season so far.  After the game, we wanted to see if we could find a player from Irvine High School.  While waiting for the team to emerge from the locker room, we noticed an older, distinguished gentleman and his wife greeting and hugging the players.  Turns out they moved to Highland Falls just to watch and support the team.  Supposedly, he is a very big contributor to the team.  How special is that?  The team is their “kids”. 

Michie Stadium

Army Mascot
After the game, we met the Furst’s at Grant Hall for coffee.  Where did all the antique furniture go?  They made the place into a cafe’ with a flat screen TV.  How sad.

We had one last company function to attend.  We had all decided to get together one last time at an Italian restaurant in Tarrytown close to our hotel.  What fun we had.  Wish we lived closer to see our classmates more often.  Thanks, again, Rick.


Oldies but Goodies of Company B-4

From the Left
Steve Beever, Dave Blackledge, John Backof, Rick Cantwell, Steve Furst, 
Tom Wallace, Mike Pickney and Russ Killebrew

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