Sunday, September 26, 2010

Beautiful Beaune and Grape Harvest Celebrations

Grape Harvest Outside of Beaune

Beaune Hospice
We decide to stay put in Beaune.  We drove to Centre Ville and toured the Hospice.  What a magnificent hospital this was.  The tiled roofs of the buildings are breathtaking.  I actually believe Steve enjoyed this tour.  While there, we met an American couple from Paris.   

After walking around this self-contained town, we took a drive out to the vineyards.  I was able to talk to some English speaking gentlemen who were harvesting the fields.  We drove up into the town of Pommard, parked the car, and witnessed a group of 5 cars driving up the road.  The kids in the cars were yelling and screaming while the horns were honking.  Later, Steve found out from Ned Wallace, a harvester, that this is the ritual that is carried out when they are done harvesting their fields.  Ned is an American who works in Paris, but comes to Volnay every year to help with the harvest.  He was full of great info. Ned mentioned that we should not stay in this town because of the partying that would be taking place tonight.  It was fun to enjoy the harvest experience.  What timing!

After finding our next hotel in Meursault  (close to Pommard) we went into Beaune for dinner.  We had a great dinner and we met a couple from Aachen.  We had great conversation and exchanged addresses and phone numbers.  On our way back to our car, I guess Steve thought our car was missing and announced “our car is gone”.  Such panic went through my body.  Memories of our 1970 Ford Maverick quickly returned.  It had been towed in Frankfurt because it was parked too much into a pedestrian walking area.  But, joy, this time it was not happening again.  It was just parked a bit further down the street.  Thank goodness!

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