Thursday, September 23, 2010

Off to Burgundy, France--A Night in Saulnot


During our breakfast, Steve was passing dog biscuits through the window.  The dogs just love him.  After breakfast, we say goodbye to our hostess and dog friends and head off to France via Basel.  And what do we find before crossing the border but another McD’s.  Yeah, they have a McCafe—lots of coffee to keep us awake and we’re able to get on the internet for free. 

We cross the border into Switzerland to gas up (cheaper here) and drive until it is dark.  We cross the border, again into France and head toward Beaune.  

"Hotel" in Saulnot
It's getting late and we now have to find a Gite, a chambre (room)—something, somewhere to stay.  We follow a Gite sign only to find out it’s full.  However, the owner, who speaks not a word of English, is sweet enough to drive us to a “Hotel” in Saulnot. The room is small and the beds are something like Hansel & Grettel slept in.  Oh, well, 40 euros, and it’s clean.  This is a small town that barely warrants an empty circle on a map.  We take an evening walk around the town, have another “picnic” dinner and call it a night.

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