Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Breathtaking Views of the Berner Oberland

Muerren, Switzerland

Our day starts with a stop at a market.  I like to make sure we have plenty of picnic fixings for sandwiches and snacks.  We set our GPS for Lugano.  
After much discussion, and convincing, we decide to cut the day short and head up to Muerren in the Berner Oberland.  As we are trying to make our way through Interlaken (we got lost), we happen upon McD’s and get two cups of coffee, once again.   We finally make our way to the Stechelberg lift station, pack our light suitcases, and head up to Muerren.  We are surrounded by mountain peaks full of snow.  Remember all that rain in France, well, now we are seeing the results of that storm in Switzerland.  The lift drops us off at one end of town and we’re headed to the other end of this car-free village to find a room at Hotel Alpina.  They have one room left with a balcony, and what a view it is.  

View of Jungfrau from Balcony
There’s the Jungfrau right in front of us.  Once we settle in, we attempt to walk down to Gimmelwald.  However, it’s getting dark and cold and we’re not sure if we are headed in the right direction.  I think we’ll stop there on our way down tomorrow.  In the lobby, we’re able to use the internet and get caught up with the kids.  The fog is settling in outside, however, that doesn’t stop me from walking the hills of the town.  It’s so peaceful.  The sound of cowbells and the crisp night air is wonderful.  What a great ending to a day in the Swiss Alps.

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