Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Arrival in Zurich and Off to the German Black Forest

Upon landing in Zurich, and retrieving our bags (no customs hassles), we find the train station in the airport to head for Singen, Germany.  After reviewing the train schedule (I had printed it off before leaving home) we buy our tickets and board a later train that has only one transfer – Steve preferred to wait than to transfer with only  3 minutes – he hates public transit.  We’re on our way to Singen, Germany to pick up our rental car that we arranged through AutoEurope. 
Passing the Swiss countryside brings back memories of previous trips.  It’s so pristine.  Yeah! - we’re here.  Once arriving in Singen, we check a local map outside of the train station, and walked down a few streets to our rental car location—Europcar.  We’ll be driving a Renault Megane station wagon.  Unfortunately, it’s not a diesel.  We’re off to Bonndorf im Schwarzwald, Germany to find a zimmer (room).  After a few stops and inquiries, we come upon Ziegelhof Gastezimmer on the outskirts of Bonndorf.  The room is 40 euros and has a balcony with a view of the farm.  The toilet is outside of our door, however, there is a shower in our room.  I've never seen this configuration before.  Our beds are very comfy with down comforters.  After such a long day, we decide to take a nap.

Steve with Casey & Vera

The Farm
Where We are Staying
Casey & Vera, who look like Golden Retrievers but aren’t, greeted us with protective barks.  By the second day, they were Steve’s best buddies.  After our nap, we walked  around the farm before heading into town for our first schnitzel meal.  The pommes frittes were awesome.
We were home, once again.

Our zimmer is located on a farm that appears to process grass into a mulch.  Walking past the enormous hills of fermenting grasses, we smell this aroma that can’t be described – maybe like ammonia.  (Later in the trip I find out that this fermenting "stuff" is used to produce bio-diesel which many European cars use.)

1 comment:

  1. Why does he hate public transportation?? it's SO EASY!!
