Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brunch at Thayer Hotel and Sharing Memories

The Beevers & Fursts
Thayer Hotel

We started a tradition with the Furst’s at the last reunion—to have Sunday brunch at the Thayer Hotel.  Cindy and John also joined us.  All three of their kids are West Pointers. We also ran into Dan Drummond and his family.  They happen to live by San Diego.  After more stories and catch up, we said goodbye to everyone.  We then took advantage of all the grads being gone and walked around Trophy Point.  Later that evening, we listened to taps and  took in the lights of the barracks and the Cadet Chapel.  The plain at night. The stillness of the evening.  We watched as the lights in the cadet rooms were slowly going out.

Every time I look at this photo, my eyes tear up. 


As the Lights Go Out in the Cadet Barracks

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