Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Drive Through the Black Forest

After a great buffet breakfast with homemade breads, soft boiled eggs, cheese and meat, we headed off to Fribourg to see if we could exchange our car for a diesel—no such luck.  But, we found a McDonald’s.  They have free internet—the zimmers do not.  However, you have to have a local German cell phone number to get internet at McD’s.  So, Steve bought a German sim card at a local market for his unlocked phone.  However, after a lot of time and frustration, he could not get it to work without first registering it.  We should have bought it at a phone store where they register it. 
Black Forest Mascot
After driving back to Bonndorf and sitting in the lobby of the Schwarzwalder Hotel that had free internet, Steve was able to decipher the messages in German to register the phone.  Earlier that evening, we had dinner on our balcony—brotchen, salami, cheese, brie, kartolfen salad, and wine under the full moon.  A nice way to recover from jet lag.

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