Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Garmin GPS Dilemma and the Final Packing--Do I Have Everything?

Unlike most of our trips, we have been planning this trip to Europe for several months.  However, there are always last minute purchases and things to do.  After finding out that there were no more “free” GPS units available for our AutoEurope rental car, I immediately went on E-Bay, found a Garmin auction that was ending in two hours, and won the bid.  It didn’t include a car charger, so I ordered one along with a case only to find out later (after receiving the GPS) that the charger wasn’t going to work.  I guess Garmin GPSs only charge with official Garmin car chargers—not after- market chargers.   At 8:50 pm, the night before our trip, we find out that Best Buy had what we needed.   I dashed out the door and got to the store with two minutes to spare, only to hear the gates closing.  After some pleading, the manager was nice enough to let me in to make my purchase. 

I have determined that it doesn’t matter how much I’ve prepared for the final packing, I’ll still be up into the early morning making final preparations.  Maybe it’s nervous energy or just the fact that I’m trying to put too much in the luggage and need to eliminate stuff.  This trip was doubly difficult because I’m packing for two separate occasions—a college reunion and a 5 week trip to Europe.  Current plan is one backpack luggage, two roll-a-boards, two small backpacks and one satchel. We’ll be shipping home a box of reunion clothes which will free up one piece of luggage—room to bring home lots of wine.  I threw in bubble wrap and 2 gallon size zip-locs for this purpose. I'll eventually get some sleep.  Thank goodness we have a later flight out of John Wayne.

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