Monday, September 20, 2010

Goodbye to West Point and Off to Zurich, Switzerland

New York City

After a restful night in the Thayer Hotel, we sent off our reunion clothes, got breakfast at McDonald’s and set the GPS for JFK.  Yes, after several adjustments, Steve got the GPS to work.  Thank goodness, because the GPS on the phone would not take JFK as a destination—it needed an address.  Our Garmin worked perfectly.  I don’t know how we would have done it otherwise.  We arrived with lots of time to spare.  Since we’re travelling on an international flight and Steve is permanent platinum with American Airlines, we were able to go to the Admiral’s Club.  At this time, we have five more hours until we land in Zurich.  Our exit row seats have lots of leg room.  We seem to be hitting a LOT of turbulence, even the flight attendants agree this turbulence is strong.

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