Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tour of Pompeii Scavi--Once We Get There

Fresco in Pompeii

This is the only morning we don’t get a breakfast included with the hotel.  After a very meager dinner, we grab a cup of coffee, check out, and head out back onto the streets in search of Pompeii Scavi.  Good luck!  An hour or so later, we finally find it—and that is not an easy feat.  We park the car in a campground and I attempt to use their restrooms.  The hole in the ground convinced me to "hold" it and search for a toilet!  We then realize we need more cash and proceed to walk around and around searching for an ATM.  Wow, what a day so far.  With granola bars and water in hand, we get into the Scavi and try to find our bearings and relax.  It’s about 28 degrees—not too bad heat wise.  The ruins are fascinating.  Most of the artifacts are in museums—not here.  However, we still had fun walking around for the next three hours. 

Afterwards, we stock up at the market with salami, cheese, bread and more dog biscuits and start driving the crazy narrow streets following autobahn signs. Please, let us find it--and soon!  Finally, we’re on the autostrada--a road that doesn’t stop and where we just have to worry about cars passing us.  We drive for a few hours and find a hotel off the autostrada just east of Rome.  Not much searching tonight, thank goodness.  They even have a restaurant.  Steve has a margherita pizza and I have fettuccine with mushrooms.  Since our rooms are just upstairs, we are able to enjoy wine and beer.  Tomorrow we’ll head back into wine country.

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