Friday, October 1, 2010

Milan Siteseeing and a Crazy Drive Along the Italian Coast

Milan Duomo
Saint Bartolomeo Statue

Milan Duomo Relief
on Door

The morning following the Andrea Bocelli concert, we returned to the city to tour the Duomo.  It was closed the day before because of preparations for the concert.  There is no wonder why a lot of people come to Milan to see this site--it is truly overwhelming and beautiful.  Inside, the statue of St. Bartolomeo, a martyr skinned alive by the Romans, was interesting.  As the tour books point out, it was carved by a student of Leonardo da Vinci.  Steve, and other visitors, were amazed by it.  The Duomo's stained glass windows and the inlaid marble floors were beautiful.  Following the Duomo, Steve did people watching while I shopped the local stores.  My daughter and I would defiitely have fun shopping in Milan.  It's good we had a limited amount of time before we had to catch the train back to Gallarate to pick up the car and continue south. 

Unfortunately, we made the mistake of going to the Portofino/Santa Margherita area.  The Friday night traffic, the mopeds, and the extremely narrow streets made me cringe in my seat.  It was hectic and all we wanted to do was to get out without a scratch on our rental car!  We made our way to Genova and asked the GPS for a list of hotels.  After a lot of night driving in the pouring rain, we found a Novotel and paid their extremely high price of 250 Euros  (we've never paid so much for a room, anywhere)--there was a boat show happening in town.  Lesson learned--never drive in the seaside area of Italy or France, especially on a weekend evening.  It is a disaster waiting to happen.  Thank goodness we escaped without a scratch.  Since we live by Laguna Beach and Dana Point, California, I now have no desire to see the Italian coast.  Or, next time, take the train into the area.

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