Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beautiful Siena

Piazza & Tower in Siena

Siena Duomo

After our breakfast buffet, with the biggest chocolate croissant I’ve ever seen, we drove about 10km to Siena.  We searched out the soccer stadium parking lot, recommended by Rick Steves’, and made our way to the piazza.  It’s very large and has a lot of history.  The 330 ft. tower dominates the piazza.  Lots of tours are in the area and Steve finds plenty of Brits to yak with.  On our way to the Duomo, we pass many shops on the pedestrian-only streets.  

We purchase our tickets for the Cathedral and then it starts pouring rain.  It’s good we’ll be inside for a while.  The church has a lot of art to view including 4 statues sculpted by Michaelangelo surrounding a side altar.  There is also a library off to the side that has a frescoed ceiling that has never been re-touched and is as vibrant now as the day it was painted.  Unfortunately, the Bernini area was closed for renovation. 

Sunset Over Tuscany
We exited the Duomo and walked down a different street.  This area had more hole-in-the-wall wine shops and I was in search of 100% Sangiovese wine. It turns out that this grape dominates the red wines in Tuscany—Chianti Classico, Brunello di Montalcino, etc.  After purchasing several bottles, and a taste here and there (only me), we make our way back to our car.  Oh, and I had to retrack my steps because I left my Rick Steves’ book in one of those wine shops!

We arrive back to the B&B to view another sunset.  This is when we meet John & Joan from Upland.  He’s a crazy guy driving through Tuscany in a Mercedes rental car.  He wants to start his own vineyard on his three acres and is in search of ideas for decorating his winery and growing grapes.  He’s also retired.   We decide to drive down the street to a family restaurant.  We have a nice meal and return to our comfortable room.   

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